Room Usage Agreement

This agreement is made on 6 February 2025 between

Shaw Therapy Centre (The Provider),
84 Beale Lane,


Therapists Name(Required)
The therapist herby acknowledges:
1. That they have been granted no exclusive use of the rooms and facilities provided by The Provider.
2. That the use of rooms and facilities is subject to both the current 'Room Booking & Management Policy'. (version 1.3 provided with this agreement) and the ‘Therapists Code of Conduct’ (version 1.1 provided with this agreement). The Therapist acknowledges that they have read both documents and agree to abide by them (and any subsequent updates) with regards to both the specifics and the spirit of the document and their undertakings.
3. Provision of the following items:
Shutter Fob (Main Entrance) / Door Key (Front Door) / Alarm Fob (Zone 1 Alarm)
Which they agree:
(a) to keep secure at all times and to meet the full replacement costs should any item be damaged, lost, stolen or otherwise misplaced.
(b) not to copy or give to any other person without permission.
4. They have provided access codes for:
Main Entrance / Room 1 Access Lock / Store Cupboard Access Lock
They agree to keep these codes confidential at all times and to inform Shaw Therapy Centre should they suspect any of the codes have become compromised/known to other parties. Should this happen as a direct or indirect consequence of their action or failure to exercise caution in the use of these codes the Therapist agrees to meet the full cost of having codes changed.
5. That from time to time it may be necessary for maintenance/repair work to be undertaken and whilst every effort will be made to both inform the Therapist in advance of such work and minimise disruption to the Therapist during the work that this may not always be possible.
Shaw Therapy Centre hereby agrees:
6. To provide the Therapist with at least thirty days’ notice of any change to either the ‘Room Booking & Management Policy’ and/or the ‘Therapist Code of Conduct’.
7. To use their best endeavours to ensure all facilities are maintained.
8. That the Therapist has access to rooms and facilities when booked in accordance with the ‘Room Booking & Management Policy’.
9. To undertake all repair and maintenance in a timely manner and with minimal disruption to the Therapists’ activities/booking as possible and where possible to inform the Therapist in advance of any such work were it reasonable that such work might impact on the Therapist or their use of the rooms and facilities.

Shaw Therapy Centre - Room Usage Agreement - v1.3 - April 2021
(Shaw Therapy Centre is a trading brand of No84)
Therapist's Name(Required)


Provider's Signature

Provider's Name
