Rebecca Hughes
Therapy Coach
(Emotional Health & Mental Well-being)
I am a complementary and alternative medicine coach and experienced mental health educational facilitator. I am accredited with an integrated diploma in three disciplines, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Clinical Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching. I am an avid emotional health advocate with extensive experience working in corporate companies, education, child fostering services, and the NHS.
My passion is working therapeutically with people, supporting emotional growth and a positive reset in mental well-being. Through coaching and applying NLP techniques supported by hypnosis, in a short period of time an individual can achieve transformational change.
I strive to create a safe and comfortable environment for clients to explore their difficulties in greater depth, while supporting their mental well-being, and coaching individuals to realise their reachable goals.
I work with adults, teenagers, and children. I also design group activity sessions for community and corporate organisations. Customised individual and group well-being services and programmes are available for small businesses and larger corporations.
Areas I can help with:
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Low self-esteem
- Lack of confidence
- Low self worth
- Anger
- Limiting beliefs
- Bad habits
- Peri/menopausal emotional health issues
- Long covid-19 mental wellbeing issues
- Lack of motivation
- ‘Stuck in rut’ feelings and habits
- Confidence
- Work or personal relationship difficulties
- Guilt
- Decision making
- Public speaking / Presenting / Work based anxieties
- NLP Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Life Coach
- Mental Health First Aid England Instructor
- Second year NHS Mental Health student Nurse